Saturday 29 September 2012

Out on a limb!!

Saturday 22nd September
On the way to see the Cape Otway Lighthouse we stopped to see the koalas.  I counted at least 50 or 60 them.  You can tell where they are because most of the trees have no leaves on them because the koalas have eaten them.  We saw two on the road and one with a very cute little baby attached to it's mummy or daddy's back.
We walked up the top of the lighthouse - there were 87 steps to the top which was a lot.  When we walked outside it was very windy!!  Liam didn't want to go outside and Lachy thought it was scary but I wanted to run around there heaps of times becuase I'm not a scaredy cat.
The lady could move all the lights with only one finger and it weighed 3 tonnes.  She could do this because there was mercury under the lights.
After the lighthouse we had lunch at Apollo Bay and then we played on the playground.  Liam was tired!!

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