Saturday 29 September 2012

Lunch, piers and waterfalls in Lorne

Friday 21st September
A day of exploring the Great Ocean Road.  We asked the kids what they felt like for lunch and they couldn't resist the smell of Asian spices wafting from the open shop front overlooking Lorne beachfront.  The sun came out and we totally enjoyed our Asian lunch (although Liam piped up when the meals were coming out, "where's my nuggets and chips")  I think he might turn into that we aren't careful. 
The walk down to the waterfall just out of the Lorne was beautiful - if not just a little wet but that didn't seem to deter the kids.  We then walked down the pier by which time the winds were picking up and we were nearly blown off.  Would have been a great spot for fishing on any other day. 
Took the drive back to Wye River taking in the scenery, having finally arrived in a spot I have always wanted to visit and I'm enjoying every moment.  It may be cold, sometimes windy and sometimes wet - but it makes for all the more adventure.
Lachy even got a fish in today but wasn't too successful in bringing home dinner.  Only seaweed fish!!

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