Saturday 29 September 2012

Blown away...almost!

Sunday 23rd September
Today we left the beautiful Wye River area and headed further west to Princetown.  On the way there we decided to stop in at the Otway Fly which is a rainforest with tree top walk and zipline (today's version of the flying fox).  The kids were so excited at seeing other people preparing for the zipline that they convinced us to sign up to. 
But first we needed to see if Lachy would fit the harness.  He was going to be the equal smallest solo zipliner since it opened two yeas ago.  I must say I was a tad apprehensive at this but Lachy was keen to see if he could be fitted up and zip.
In short, Lachy was okayed to zip and we booked in for the following morning.  
What we did do today was the tree top walk which has pilons and platforms 20m off the ground and then a 45m tower which brings us way up above the emergent layer of the rainforest.  On the way to this was the dinosaur walk that all three kids loved.  You could just imagine the dinosaurs prowling around the rainforest here with dense undergrowth, rain falling slightly on moss covered fallen logs. 
Once we hit the tree top walk, I must admit I felt very exposed.  However, everyone else was having a blast.  By the time we got to the tower, I was shaking in my boots and Liam was a little hesitant.  Mia couldn't wait to climb the further 25m spiral staircase to reach the top.  When at the top, I wouldn't go near the edge, Lachy was extremely hesitant, Liam a little better and then there was little miss confident - I'm not scared at all Miss Mia.
I couldn't wait to get down and Liam felt the same (but I had to pump up and pretend it wasn't scary at all) and now I was rather scared about what lay ahead tomorrow morning.
Tonight we almost got blown away at Princetown.  It would have been a great place to camp had the weather not been so rotten.  We had to put the kids inside the trailer and use them as weights to get the camper pegged down and then we used the car as a barrier to dampen the full force of the gale force winds we were experiencing.  
Let's put it all down to the adventure shall we!! 

Out on a limb!!

Saturday 22nd September
On the way to see the Cape Otway Lighthouse we stopped to see the koalas.  I counted at least 50 or 60 them.  You can tell where they are because most of the trees have no leaves on them because the koalas have eaten them.  We saw two on the road and one with a very cute little baby attached to it's mummy or daddy's back.
We walked up the top of the lighthouse - there were 87 steps to the top which was a lot.  When we walked outside it was very windy!!  Liam didn't want to go outside and Lachy thought it was scary but I wanted to run around there heaps of times becuase I'm not a scaredy cat.
The lady could move all the lights with only one finger and it weighed 3 tonnes.  She could do this because there was mercury under the lights.
After the lighthouse we had lunch at Apollo Bay and then we played on the playground.  Liam was tired!!

Lunch, piers and waterfalls in Lorne

Friday 21st September
A day of exploring the Great Ocean Road.  We asked the kids what they felt like for lunch and they couldn't resist the smell of Asian spices wafting from the open shop front overlooking Lorne beachfront.  The sun came out and we totally enjoyed our Asian lunch (although Liam piped up when the meals were coming out, "where's my nuggets and chips")  I think he might turn into that we aren't careful. 
The walk down to the waterfall just out of the Lorne was beautiful - if not just a little wet but that didn't seem to deter the kids.  We then walked down the pier by which time the winds were picking up and we were nearly blown off.  Would have been a great spot for fishing on any other day. 
Took the drive back to Wye River taking in the scenery, having finally arrived in a spot I have always wanted to visit and I'm enjoying every moment.  It may be cold, sometimes windy and sometimes wet - but it makes for all the more adventure.
Lachy even got a fish in today but wasn't too successful in bringing home dinner.  Only seaweed fish!!

The Road begins!!

Thursday 19th September

This morning we drove to the start of the Great Ocean Road.  We stopped at Bells Beach and there was only two people surfing.  It looked really rough.

The parrot landed on Mia's head at Wye River.  A bird landed on Daddy's head and he didn't like it - it scratched his head.  A parrot was eating oats from my hand.  It also landed on Lachy's arm.



Up, up and away in Geelong

Wednesday 19th September

Today we went to Geelong.  We walked along the waterfront and had fun looking at the bollards that have all been painted in different characters. 

We also went to the carousel.  I went on a horse -  it was cute.  It is one of the oldest carousels in Australia. 

The best part of the day was when we went on a blue seaplane. The seaplane was really noisy.  It was exciting when we turned around and came down on the water.


Monday 24 September 2012

Mazing along

Tuesday 18th September

Today we drove from Phillip Island to Ashcombe Maze.  Lachy and Liam tried to go through the maze but they couldn't so it was my turn and I led all the way through the maze and I found the way out.  It wasn't really hard at all!

We then went on the Sorrento - Queenscliff Car Ferry.  It was very big and took about an hour. 

When we got off there was a lot of rain.  Mummy and Daddy had to put up the camper trailer in the rain.  Luckliy we had an indoor heated swimming pool.  It wasn't that cold but the spa was nice and warm.  When we finished up to go back to the camper trailer it wasn't raining anymore.

From Mia

Walk like a penguin

Monday 17th September

This afternoon we went to see the seals off Phillip Island.  We looked through the telescope to see the seals up close.  I took a photo up close using the telescope in the information building.

Then we went to see the penguins.  We were sitting right in the front row and they were really close to us.  There were lots and lots of penguins.  It is mating season and the males were standing out the front of their burrows to guard the eggs or to find a girlfriend.

They we very little and cute.  I wanted to cuddle one.

I have one very good photo of the penguins.  I will show you when I get back (maybe...)

From Mia.

What a catch!!

Monday 17th September
Today we went to the Rhyll trout farm.  First we tried to catch a trout in the outside dam but we couldn't catch one.  Then we went to the indoor dam and I caught one straight away.  I would have caught more if mum let me. Mia and Dad caught one and Liam helped bring in Dad's fish.
We then weighed the fish.  It cost us $47 and was nearly 3kg.  The fish went to the kitchen and came out as fish and chips.
From Lachy


Vroom.. Vroom with Liam

Sunday 16th September
We were on the go-karts on Phillip Island. They went very fast and it was lots of fun!!


Yummm... chocolate

Monday 17th September

Today we went to the chocolate factory on Phillip Island.  There were heaps of yummy chocolates and there were games to play.  If you won, you got a chocolate for free.  We got to make our own chocolate and I made the biggest squiggle and it didn't even break.

From Mia

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Ahoy me matey

Liam loved Scienceworks in Melbourne.  He especially loved captaining the cargo vessel telling all his crew what to do and when!!  Got to love our little leader.

Up the Maggies!!

Saturday 15th September

I went to the Aussie Rules football semi-final game at the MCG - Collingwood Magpies versus the Westcoast Eagles. I was going for the Magpies. At the start we were losing but we came back and we won the game.  There were 65, 848 people there at the game.  It was awsome to be there at the football game and the people behind us were very noisy supporting the Magpies.  They were yelling out "defend, defend and ball, ball"

From Lachy

Meandering around Melbourne with Mia

Melbourne - 12th - 15th September

Today we arrived in Melbourne. We stayed in a campsite for three nights.  the fourth day we stayed in a hotel at Southbank in Melbourne.  We went on five trams, we saw trains and horse carriages.  We saw all sorts of elephants because theMelbourne zoo is 150 years old. 

We went to Scienceworks.  I got through a room of lasers without touching them.  Lachy found some levers and pulleys and Liam liked stacking bricks to make a huge wall.

We also went to the Museum.  I took heaps of photos of dinosaur skeletons and we saw a volcano erupt with 3D glasses and it made you go around in circles.  I was not dizzy.  A good horse called Phar Lap was poisoned by someone who wanted to kill it because he was such a good racing horse and he was displayed on the museum.

We went up the tallest building in Melbourne.  My ears went all funny because it was fast on the elevator.  We went outside on the balcony - it was floor 88 and you cant go any higher.  I said that the 88th floor was not hight enough.  When I looked down it was a pretty high distance but I just didn't think it was high enough for me.




From Mia