Sunday 7 October 2012

Meandering on the Murray

2nd - 4th October

Wow, what a fantastic three days we had on a houseboat on the Murray.  The river was running fast so it was a tad exciting and nervewracking manouvering the boat on the Murray but Shane did a fantastic job getting us around.

First day: not so lucky on the lines but Trentham Estate Winery was like an oasis and and the wine was thoroughly enjoyed watching the sun set as we ate our evening meal.

Second Day:  loads of fun.  Lots of carp (pest fish that have to be killed) caught but also a great Eel tailed catfish (protected - have been told since it means the river is healthy) and one great 50cm Yellow belly that was thoroughly enjoyed for lunch.

 The first of many carp
 Our first night view across the Murray
 The houseboat rocks!!

 Captain Pitt Snr and Captain Pitt Jnr.
 The Diplomat

 Our Yellow Belly
 My biggest carp
 2nd night view across the Murray
 I got one too!!

Could have stayed a week... oh well next time!!

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