Sunday 7 October 2012

Meandering on the Murray

2nd - 4th October

Wow, what a fantastic three days we had on a houseboat on the Murray.  The river was running fast so it was a tad exciting and nervewracking manouvering the boat on the Murray but Shane did a fantastic job getting us around.

First day: not so lucky on the lines but Trentham Estate Winery was like an oasis and and the wine was thoroughly enjoyed watching the sun set as we ate our evening meal.

Second Day:  loads of fun.  Lots of carp (pest fish that have to be killed) caught but also a great Eel tailed catfish (protected - have been told since it means the river is healthy) and one great 50cm Yellow belly that was thoroughly enjoyed for lunch.

 The first of many carp
 Our first night view across the Murray
 The houseboat rocks!!

 Captain Pitt Snr and Captain Pitt Jnr.
 The Diplomat

 Our Yellow Belly
 My biggest carp
 2nd night view across the Murray
 I got one too!!

Could have stayed a week... oh well next time!!

Up there in the Grampians

28th - 30th September
After spending nearly two weeks on the great Ocean Road it was time to head inland again. 
First Stop, the Grampians...freezing but beautiful - can you use these two adjectives in the same sentence?  I guess so.  It was absolutely freezing.  The thermometer bottomed out at minus 4 one morning and there was snow on the hills around us.  That day called for breakfast by the heater in the tent, a meandering walk along the valley floor (2km - until we could see the heavens about to open and then a very quick return return leg seeing who could reach the car first), a long warm lunch with hot chocolates all round and a brief foray into town.
But it didn't matter how cold it was, it was never to cold for a jump.  The kids had a great time on the jumping pillow with all the other crazy kids oblvious to the temperature.

 Halls Gap Zoo came in the Big 4 Camping area for kids club on the Sunday morning.  Mia was so keen to have the snake wrap around her, Liam was quite hesitant to start with and Lachy did the bolt.  I was with him!!  What a great morning for the kids (all free of charge)

The next day was a bit warmer - top of about 14 degrees so we headed out for some bushwalks to the lookout and falls around the Grampians.  It was beautiful scenery with the wild flowers just about to spring into action.


Happy Birthday Liam

25th September 2012

I've finally had the chance to download the photos from my camera.  This trip we have taken almost all the photos on Shane's phone.  Amazing technology to be able to do that now.  Nearly makes my SLR digital obsolete - except for the zooming and close up. 

So, here are some photos of Liam on his birthday.  But first here is one I like, "out on a limb". 

Hope you enjoy

Thursday 4 October 2012

Seals by Sea

Thursday 27th September

Today we went to see the seals at Cape Bridgewater.  First, we stopped at Portland and saw the B-doubles being emptied of woodchip at the Port.

We walked to the see the seals and we saw lots and lots of shells.  Some were the same, some were different and I collected more than 30 shells.

We went on the RIB out to see the seals.  The boat was slow at the start but it went faster in the waves.  We had to hang on tight. 

We saw Australia's largest mainland colony of Australian Fur Seals and we also saw the smaller New Zealand Fur Seals.
They were doing tricks in the water - flips and turns and doing headstands with their flippers out of the water.

We went inside a big cave.  There were seals inside and it stunk like lots of fish!!
From Mia

The great ocean road!!

Tuesday 25th September
Happy Birthday Liam
So what does a 5 year old do for his birthday?
Goes for a ride on a chopper ride of course!!

The great ocean road is most amazing coastline I think I have ever seen.  It sure helped being able to see it from the sky but it was certainly spectacular from whatever angle was available.  The rugged windswept cliff faces combined with the rich history of shipwrecks and the unsettled weather we experienced on the road definitely allowed us to imagine the fury of the past storms this region has had.  Today's beauty and the ruggedness was beautiful.  The road definately lived up to my expectations and just makes us want to see more of Australia's wonderful exposed coastline.